Monday, October 11, 2010

How on earth can people coexist?

I just can't seem to get some things figured out. Everybody has different needs and it's simply too difficult to understand the needs of others when we put ours before the rest (most of the time, it's different for the case of a loved one).

On the way home, I saw a covered linkway near completion and thought about it being such a waste of resources. But I'm sure they built it because some people needed it, so me not needing it doesn't make it redundant (and therefore a waste of resources).

We can't stop a certain production line just because WE think it's a waste of resources, wouldn't SOMEONE ELSE point out how OUR need for something else is a waste too?

The thing is, everybody on earth (at least in DCs) has an increased ability to demand so much more, and with a never-ending demand from every single person, when will we ever stop producing? How much resources are being used up everyday?


Escaping from all the madness sounds really tempting. It's not just about resource wastage or religion. Add global problems to our own, you'll realise living isn't easy at all. But I guess we're created for this purpose (?)

I wish I had the powers of not caring too much about trivial matters and do SOMETHING greater. You know, like not letting hormones affect me so I can ponder more about more important issues. (I can be saying this but a day later, something else will happen and I'll get all affected over it..yes I know)

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